INTERVIEW: ‘Industry Hustla of the Month’: Sean Felder of XS Energy Drinks: #GFTV #HustlaoftheMonth

admin July 25, 2018 Comments Off on INTERVIEW: ‘Industry Hustla of the Month’: Sean Felder of XS Energy Drinks: #GFTV #HustlaoftheMonth

Introducing Sean Felder:  Distributor for XS Energy Drinks

– Interview by Tommy Gunz (@DJTommyGunzNJ)

In our never-ending quest to celebrate the hustle of entrepreneurs from every industry, we bring you this month’s GoodFellaz TV “Industry Hustla of the Month”, Sean Felder of XS Energy Drinks. A independent distributor for one of the hottest new energy drinks in the world, Mr. Felder epitomizes the spirit and hustle of the next generation of young entrepreneurs in the game. Recently ya boy Tommy Gunz got a chance to sat down with Sean Felder, where we talked about everything! Check out the interview below.

Q: What’s good fam. So where are you from??

A: What’s good! You already know, New York City!

Q: So you’ve been working with XS Energy Drinks for a while now. Tell us how long have you been in the business?

A: I’ve been in the game for a while now. I was a former IBO since 2009 with Amway Global. Now I’m an Independent operator, just trying to take XS Energy Drinks to that next level!

Q: That’s what’s up! So what’s would you say the difference is between XS and other energy drinks like Redbull or Monster?

A: XS is just better for you, it has no sugar, and no caffeine. Redbull and Monster have a lot of sugar.

Q: How did you first start working with XS?

A: My ex-business partner Aaron Brown put me on to Amway Global, when we went to a seminar way back in 2009. I remember at the hotel we were staying at, some random guy was giving out XS Energy Drink samples. We tried it and liked it, so me and Aaron decide to go for it, to invest in the XS brand and in ourselves, and try to make it as Black entrepreneurs.

Q: Dope! So what other ventures are you currently working on?

A: Right now I’m focusing on getting more accounts, more interviews and going mainstream. I’m definitely trying to build up my Youtube video views as well.

Q: How important is Marketing & Promotion in the energy drink business?

A: Very important! Marketing and Promotion is vital in the energy drinks business! You must have a plan, because it’s a super-competitive industry. You have to be ready to take some losses, and you have to learn how to take chances as well.

Q: I hear that. So how has Social Media helped your craft?

A: Social media is huge. Being on Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook has tremendously helped my XS Brand. It’s one of the best ways to reach the people!

Q: What are the challenges you face in regards to getting XS Energy drinks poppin’ in today’s marketplace??

A: The challenges I faced with XS is getting potential clients and consumers to buy the product. And to convince customers that XS is the best drink in a crowded energy drink market.

Q: Is there a lot of money in the Energy Drink business?

A: Yes there is a lot of money in energy drink business, but you have to have a plan. You have to ask yourself: who are you targeting? You gotta know your market and your potential customers.

Q: What is your Advice to other people trying to start and grow their own business?

A: My advice to people starting their own business is to have a plan. You also have to have a strong team. And you have to be able to work within a budget. Budgeting is sooooo important. Expect some setbacks, but trust the process.

Q: So let’s talk music. Who are some of your favorite artists?

A: I’m more old school, so my top 5 rappers would be: 5. LL Cool J, 4. Nas, 3. Ice Cube, 2. Rakim, 1. KRS ONE.

Q: What New Albums are currently in your Playlist?

A: I don’t really have a playlist, but I can say Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, and Bruno Mars all are in steady rotation.

Q: The best show on television is _________ ??

A: To me, the best show on TV today is Empire. I like it because it shows you how cut-throat music industry can be. My boy Xzibit played his role well too I gotta say!

Q: You work with a lot of up-and-coming Models. What is your advice to females trying to get into the modeling game?

A: To all my upcoming models, my advice would be to be confident, humble, understand the power of your sex appeal, and be able to handle constructive criticism. And don’t expect a lot of money when you first start out, the big shots will laugh at you. Focus on building your brand first, you have to get your portfolio photos poppin’ first before mainstream people will reach out to you on social media. Models should take my advice to heart.

Q: Is XS a good drink to mix with alcoholic beverages (a la Redbull)??

A: Of course! XS is good to mix with alcoholic beverages. My personal favorite mix is the ‘Cirtic Fruit’ flavor with Barcardi. Tastes excellent!

Q: So what’s the Best Part of your Job?

A: The best part of my job is just the freedom of being a enterprenuer. Being a distributor entails a lot of traveling, and meeting people worldwide promoting the drink. I enjoy proving the critics wrong, and showing the world that a Black man with sense can help Corporate America get energy drinks like XS into the inner- cities. The Hip-Hop world shows me and XS a lot of love!

Q: What’s the Worst Part of the Job?

A: (Sighs) The Bad part is dealing with assholes, racist clowns, shady scams promoters, and models who try to take advantage of you. I was actually on People’s Court in 2017, I had to sue a shady, ratchet model who tried to scam me out of 100k by violating her XS contract. You can even look it up online, the Case was called ‘Model Mayhem’ (Sean Felder vs Honey Goddess). You can check it out on YouTube, it was hilarious (laughs).

Q: Who’s a better artist at this moment, Kanye West or Childish Gambino/Donald Glover?

A: Hmmm, I gotta go with Kanye West. He’s out of line at times, but you can’t question his track records as an artist. I still got his 1st album, “College Dropout” in rotation.

Q: So what’s next for you? What other projects are you currently working on?

A: We got a lot of stuff in the works. I’m on the front cover of the next issue of “Words Of Wisdom” magazine. Got some photo-shoots with some models in Atlanta, GA this month. More radio shows promoting XS, a possible sponsor with a NY Giants sports show. Waiting for contract details. Talking to Clear Channel in regards to some advertisement, possibly putting XS Drinks on billboards; just waiting on the details.

Q: Where can people find XS energy drinks? Are they in most stores? Online?

A: XS is slowly making its way into the local NYC stores. But were poppin in the local stores in the south like Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. It’s a slow grind, there’s a lot of politics involved, but we’re getting there. For anybody establishment who wants to order cases of XS, you can call 1-800-235-6500 to order what you need. Use my name Sean Felder, distributor, and they will hook you up. You can use debit or credit card to order. 12 cans comes in a case. Prices may vary.

Q: Where can people find out more about XS Energy drinks?

A: Just Google us, all the information you need about XS Energy Drinks is online.

Q: Do you have any Shout-outs before we go?

A: Of course! Shout-out to my XS models worldwide, and all our fans on social media. Also special shout-out to Unsyned Heatt DVD, all the magazines and radio shows who support XS. Also my PR extraordinaire Lorriane Bridgette for helping me with all the events involving XS.

Q: Where can people reach you at Online?

A: You can check me out online at: Also hit me on Twitter & Instagram @FelderSean494, on Facebook at: Sean Felder, and just search my name on YouTube.


For more on Sean Felder & XS Energy Drinks, check him out online @:

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