– Written by Tommy Gunz (@DJTommyGunzNJ)
Mac Miller debuts at #1 on the Billboard Charts !! No, this is NOT an early April-fools joke you are reading right now. He really did. The 19-year old rapper behind the cult-hit “Donald Trump” stunned the music world this week when his new album “Blue Slide Park” landed the #1 Spot on the Billboard 200 Charts, moving an impressive 144,000+ units last week.
The internet and social-networks have been a major factor in the recent success of the teenaged rapper. Out of the 144K albums moved, almost 109K were digital downloads, an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional CD. Thus far his first single “Donald Trump” has sold a very-impressive 441,000 copies, and his latest single “Knock Knock” has moved over 336,000 copies. Mac Miller is also a beast on the major social-networks including Facebook, Twitter & Myspace, where he has a combined 2.7 million followers.
“Blue Slide Park” is the follow-up to Miller’s underground-classic EP, “On And On And Beyond”, and a continuation of a unique brand of music seen throughout his series of seven mixtapes. His album beat out the latest volume of the “Now 40” compilation-series, which usually always debut at the top spot, no mean feat. Still have no idea who he is yet? You’re probaly not the only one in the hip-hop world. But apparently its time to do some research. Check out his newest video below on GoodFellaz TV.