– Reviewed by Mike Dolo
Jump The Gun will deliver accurate previews of very hyped games coming out within the coming months. The rest of the year will be incrusted with so many great games, it’d be easy to loose track and have a diamond fall through the cracks. With that in mind, the good folks at Goodfellaz would to like to present the first Jump The Gun and it’s “kick off” preview of Madden NFL 2012 (August 30th)
Another season of football is upon us (thank god) and while the players and owners can barely see eye to eye, EA has made sure ours will be visually pleased with new 3D grass. Other visual upgrades include better uniform deterioration. This means your warriors of the gridiron will show more battle damage as the game proceeds. Madden 12 will also feature more realistic NFL camera angles. The new camera work will attempt to make you feel like your watching a game instead of playing one. Whether it ends up being the most hated new feature, or works so well your opponent will get a freebie because you forget to move your player, is still yet to be seen.
Visually things usually get better with Madden, but gameplay can be a different story. So far things look good with the addition of a new tackle animation system which hopefully will make the game more fluid by attempting to get rid of any players moonwalking and/or snapping into position right before tackles.
Last years GameFlow feature will make its return. GameFlow is like a suped up version of Ask Madden. Think Ask Madden if John Madden was actually in the room with you (creepy I know, but an affective metaphor non the less). Using GF will also shave precious time off your games while still presenting fun fluid gameplay. This feature is a favorite for casual players but the addition of custom play books will offer something for the guys (and gals) calling out sick on the 30th.
Possibly the best addition is to the online community. It now allows you to compete in many different custom community leader boards. You’ll be competing for ranking and bragging rights. Play against your neighbors to see who’s the best on the block or take a shot at being the king of your campus. The sky’s the limit
Madden NFL 2012‘s Preseason starts today with the demo being released for download on Xbox Live and PSN. While EA Sports hasn’t really done much lately to impress football fans maybe this years additions will make all the difference. With that being said lets get down to the facts on file. It’s the new Madden we’re talking about, you know if you want it or not
#GFTV Rating: 3 out of 5 TV’s