Taking The Plunge: Cutting My Hair Short, The Big Decision By Jessica Marti

admin November 26, 2013 Comments Off on Taking The Plunge: Cutting My Hair Short, The Big Decision By Jessica Marti
Taking The Plunge: Cutting My Hair Short, The Big Decision By Jessica Marti

– Written by Jessica Marti

Change is disturbing to the mind. It can evoke anxiety in the fearful and optimism in the hopeful. To the confident it’s inspiring… I personally under-went a total outward change that is effecting my inward.

We have all been there toying with the idea of taking a risk with our ‘look’. For us women, a change in our look can be a pretty scary thought. We are comfortable with where we currently are, and the people around us have accepted us that way. You see yourself in the mirror day-in and day-out and you ‘know’ that person.

For me, it was my hair. Long and black for as long as I could remember. I haven’t dyed it in years; I had totally what is known and referred to as ‘virgin hair.’ Time for change reared it’s ugly head as it does from time to time – however, this time I was ‘open to change.’

It isn’t that some people are more riskier and could take the plunge, its that some people are ready and some are not’ – James Gordon.

What changed? The last couple of years has been all about change and growth. I became a new mom again, currently have a fourteen month old, graduated college with a BA in Science, left the corporate world of 9-5 and embarked on my journey as a full time Make-Up Artist and other personal trials and tribulations that have helped my personal growth along the way.

Long and behold, the timing presented itself, the ‘Bob’ is my choice of poison and so, with that…I TOOK THE NERVE-WRECKING PLUNGE and I have to say I have never been happier.

Ladies, embrace change…take the plunge…It helps to change your energy in the same way that the energy in your home changes when you rearrange furniture. Yes, I compared it to furniture rearrangement, lol…

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jess marti

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