– An Ecclectic Perspective on: Chronicle by D. Noble
Wow, I mean really, wow. This movie blew me away. With a $12 million budget, Dir. Josh Trank was able to pull off what may be the best “found footage” movie since Cloverfield (without the whack monster) though. I didn’t really know what to expect of this movie from the trailers, other than an interesting story about what would happen if real high school teenagers suddenly found themselves with extraordinary powers.
I mean, we would all like to think we would we would be champions of justice ala Spiderman or the X-Men, but we rarely think about the roles our upbringing and life events would play in shaping that outcome. This movies seeks to show that first-hand. The amount of character development this movie is able to delve into in an hour-and-a-half is truly amazing. Not to mention some extremely creative camera work. From the very first scene where you’re introduced to Andrew, the semi-main character, the movie takes a dark tone, starting a roller coaster ride of ups and downs that never slows down, keeping your eyes locked on the screen until the final credits.
These are anti-heroes if you will, pre X-Men Scott Summers, with real problems and immaturity. This movie takes you to some dark places, and the best part about it is the way it was filmed; you feel like you are a part of the experience, that you’re actually there. I think the “found footage” arena was the perfect way to tell this story. This movie is definitely a diamond in the rough that could wind up a cult classic. I am curious to see how it will do this weekend. On another note, if Josh Trank lands the Fantastic Four reboot, I am immediately interested.
Overall I gave “Chronicle” a 4.5 (Out of 5) – A Must See.
Chronicle Movie Trailer
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