-GoodFellaz TV Staff
‘Tis the season to get your mixes ready for the holidays…
Shout-out to all the DJ’s out there, we got you covered! Courtesy of the good folks at GoodFellaz TV, DOWNLOAD Classic CHRISTMAS MUSIC below!! Just in time for your Holiday mixes, this Christmas Music Pack contain all the classic Christmas joints you need to have your parties and blends super littttt!!
Hurry, once these links expires, we will NOT be offering this download again! Click the Download Button below, Enjoy!
Christmas Music Folder 1
Christmas Music Folder 2
If you would like to be added to ‘THE BEST DAMN E-MAIL LIST OUT’, the GoodFellaz TV Music E-Mail Mailing List, send us an E-Mail to GoodFellazTV2011@gmail.com TODAY!!
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