The Most Difficult Girls Are NOT Worth It! #ThoughtsFromTheDJBooth By DJ Doughboy

admin January 2, 2015 Comments Off on The Most Difficult Girls Are NOT Worth It! #ThoughtsFromTheDJBooth By DJ Doughboy
The Most Difficult Girls Are NOT Worth It! #ThoughtsFromTheDJBooth By DJ Doughboy

– Written by DJ Doughboy

I’m seeing too many posts from women say things like “The most difficult girls are worth it.” I’m going to say this for every man who wanted to say it but couldn’t: NO THEY ARE NOT !!

This is some corny concept women made to justify being a B!#*h. Stop rocking yourselves to sleep. Nobody wants to be with a difficult person. Your man is not with his boys saying, “She’s so difficult. I love her”. He’s saying “She get on my damn nerves and I’m getting tired of it”. Being difficult is not a compliment. So if you pride yourself on being difficult pride yourself on eventually being alone.

Just my thoughts from the DJ booth…..


For more “Thoughts From The DJ Booth”, check out DJ Doughboy’s Blog at:




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