Check out Wiz Khalifa & Amber Rose on the cover of this month’s issue of XXL, due to drop October 9th on news-stands everywhere. And speaking of things due to drop soon (pun intended…lol), below are a few comments that we can be, ahem, expect from Hip Hop’s latest expecting couple.
Wiz On Recording His New Album:
“I just gotta do it. The most important thing is knowing that she is there and I have to tend to my babies. This is my first child ever in life. I gotta go hard at everything. As hard as I go in the studio, I gotta go just as hard taking care of my baby and making sure she’s alright, and I’m spending time with her and she doesn’t feel neglected.”
Amber Rose On Giving Birth:
“I’m so ready. I’m going all-natural. I’ve decided that I’m going to have an all-natural water birth. No medicine. I want those bragging rights! The next time Wiz has a stomachache or anything, I’ll say, ‘I popped out a baby all-natural.’”