-GoodFellaz TV Staff
As of today, the independently run podcast company WVMR Network has officially launched their website! And with their website launch, the New York based company officially begins its streaming venture across multiple platforms.
Accessible via web and mobile, WVMRNetwork.com will be the place to listen to all podcasts, music in rotation and more!
But that isn’t the only thing WVMR has done. With the launch of the company officially, one of its owners, artist and producer Sueheidy, becomes the first ever woman of Latin descent to own an independently run podcast network company.
Women are more and more becoming leaders, owners, and taking charge! I’m here to continue the trend not only as an artist but as a owner as well”,
says Sueheidy, who at launch will have 5 of her singles from her EP “The Cauling” in rotation including the WVMR Network promotional song “Are You Ready”, which is scheduled to be released soon.
The network currently has 8 shows at launch, including kicking off on November 6th with three shows starting at 2pm EST. WVMR is seeking more shows and music rotation. If you are interested, email WVMRbookings@gmail.com for more information.
Congrats to Sueheidy and her team!
Follow WVMR Network on all social media platforms: @TheWVMRNetwork
Follow Sueheidy on all social media platforms: @TheRealSueheidy
Follow WVMR on Social Media @:
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