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Reaction To NYPD Cop Shootings: Saddened, But Not Surprised: #GFTV #Opinion #Article By Dav Noble

Reaction To NYPD Cop Shootings: Saddened, But Not Surprised: #GFTV #Opinion #Article By Dav Noble

admin December 22, 2014 Comments Off on Reaction To NYPD Cop Shootings: Saddened, But Not Surprised: #GFTV #Opinion #Article By Dav Noble

– Written by Davren Noble My morning thoughts on the recent Cop shootings: I’m not surprised. Saddened, but not surprised I said it during the Ferguson situation, America needs to start holding these Cops responsible

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So What Have We Learned After The Eric Garner & Mike Brown Verdicts??

So What Have We Learned After The Eric Garner & Mike Brown Verdicts??

admin December 16, 2014 Comments Off on So What Have We Learned After The Eric Garner & Mike Brown Verdicts??

– Written by Shah There have been plenty of examples this country has provided to prove it’s indifference to the lives of African-American, West Indian, and Latino life. There are many people with different

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