What Does ‘Black History Month’ Mean To Us?? Celebration vs Acknowledgment: #GFTV #TheRecapWTheGoodFellaz

admin February 18, 2021 Comments Off on What Does ‘Black History Month’ Mean To Us?? Celebration vs Acknowledgment: #GFTV #TheRecapWTheGoodFellaz
What Does ‘Black History Month’ Mean To Us?? Celebration vs Acknowledgment: #GFTV #TheRecapWTheGoodFellaz

-GoodFellaz TV Staff

February is Black History Month, so you already know the GoodFellaz had to represent, and speak our minds about what it means in 2021.

So how do the GoodFellaz celebrate ‘Black History Month’?? How important is it to us? Is it acceptable that African-American culture and accomplishments only receive one month of recognition (and the shortest month of the year, at that)? Is there a difference between Acknowledging and Celebrating it?? The GoodFellaz answer these questions and more during “The Recap” w/ the GoodFellaz Show  round-table discussion featuring Tommy Gunz, Dav Noble, Big A, Shah Montana and Karev Yah .

Check out more Episodes of “The Recap” w/ the GoodFellaz Podcast on the Official YouTube Page. CLICK THE YOUTUBE ICON BELOW !!



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