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From the producers of Paranormal Activity and Sinister, comes The Purge, staring Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Burkholder, Adelaide Kane, Edwin Hodge, and Rhys Wakefield. The US government has this 12-hour span where you can do any kind violence. One can get their rape on. You can participate in any violence what so ever and no one goes to jail. This is supposed to make people feel better because they can purge their violent feelings on one night. All one has to do is survive. The best part of this movie is the violence. There’s a good portion of violence for action lovers. The only bad part is the rest of the damn movie. How this made it to the theaters is beyond me. This should have been a made for TV movie on lifetime. So when it comes to whether you should see it or screw it, screw it. Save that hour and a half of your life.